Reinforcing Relationships With Corporate Team Building Events

Corporate Team Building

In this fast-paced world where it seems impossible to go anywhere without seeing others talking or texting on some high-tech gadget, being so “connected” almost feels like a “disconnect” from building collaborative, authentic, real-world relationships. Here’s how corporate team building events can reinforce your relationships and make them stronger than ever:

Put the Trust Back in Your Working Relationships

Corporate team building events are a good way to shake off the rust after a long winter and help your employees focus on the importance of building relationships with their co-workers. Whether you’re zip lining through the canopies, helping each other through an obstacle course or just spending time talking about your families over a nice meal, corporate team building events help people recognize each other as individuals that are important to the success of a company.

Different Types of Team Building

There is no shortage of corporate team building events. Some, such as charity and food drives, are done in the office to benefit others while promoting a sense of teamwork. Others, such as adventure team building, are accomplished at remote sites that offer two advantages. One, by getting away from the phones you are actually able to focus on the tasks at hand. The second is that an outside event allows co-workers to see each other in a different light. Corporate team building events usually blossom when taken to a location away from the office that has structured activities designed to improve morale and leadership while accomplishing clear goals and objectives. Rather than design a team building event yourself, it’s well worth the investment to utilize a company with years of experience that provides both a safe and fun environment.

Work Together to Solve Problems

Business demands that employees cooperate to identify potentially-problematic areas of concern, conceptualize doable solutions, and consistently provide exceptional, world-class customer service. Unfortunately, the creation of personality conflicts and apathy over time can sabotage everyone’s best efforts. Get your employees out of the office for a day or two and head to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania where the Refreshing Mountain adventure team has organized a number of corporate team building events that will rejuvenate and relax your entire team. Refreshing Mountain staffers have a long list of available exercises that they can tailor to your specific company needs. Your employees will renew their ability to depend on each other while developing communication skills and trust that will pay off back at work.

Make it an Annual Event or Reward

Much like a holiday party or summer picnic, corporate team building events are a fun and exciting experience that rewards employees for a job well done while building even stronger collaboration skills in the future.  Corporate team building events provide a great chance to remind employees of your business culture and affirm the importance of your company values. Scheduling an overnight retreat at Refreshing Mountain gives the benefit of structured events and some down time where workers can get to know each other better and develop friendships that foster outside the office. By committing to annual corporate team building events, you reinforce the belief that your employees are important and that you are willing to invest the finances and time to help them be successful. By showing your appreciation for each individual, you can expect an increase and dedication that will reduce turnover and create a more stable business environment. Corporate team building events can also be a fun reward for reaching a major milestone or securing a large contract. Your generosity will reap benefits in the future as your staff learns the values of communication and leadership.

Building a Team for Success

Corporate team building activities are a great way to get the team out of the office for a day to let them regroup and come back feeling stronger as a team. The morale of a team is one of the most important aspects of productivity and quality of work. If your team already works together well, enjoys the projects they are working on, and produces quality results, maybe it’s time to take them on a team building activity to further strengthen their bond – and blow off some steam.

There are tons of facilities that offer both outdoor and indoor activities to bring your team together and show them what they can accomplish as a group. Most facilities even offer you the flexibility of choosing your own agenda for the day, so you can cater specifically to your group’s needs.

 The Power of Team Building InfographicThe Power of Team Building


Qualities Team Building Focuses On:

  • Conflict Resolution

Team building activities work out conflict resolution in a healthy, intuitive way. When a disagreement occurs within an activity, the group is forced to resolve personal conflicts to successfully complete the activity. The team building exercise is a fun activity that doesn’t have added stress to it, so your team can learn effective ways to deal with these problems. Then, the team will be able to apply those skills to the work environment – should they arise.

  • Communication

    Communication is key in the workplace. Corporate team building facilitates a strong sense of communication because the activities require clear messages to achieve the end goal. This skill lends itself to a work environment because clear communication will ensure projects are completed correctly, nothing gets lost in the shuffle, and all concerns are aired in an appropriate way.

  • Leadership

Corporate team building activities are a chance for leaders to shine. You will see who your strong leaders are because they will rise to the occasion and take control of a situation. Also, how they handle a giving activity will show you their strengths and weaknesses as a leader. Those activities may show you – as the employer – a few new leaders who were not standing out before.

  • Problem Solving

    Problem solving is the most common thing to get out of corporate team building activities. All of the activities are designed to make your team think and work together towards a common goal. This shared goal lets people’s strengths shine and lend their own expertise to the situation. This translates into the workplace when your team is better equipped to resolve difficult situations on the fly.

  • Trust

    Your team needs to trust one another in order to collectively accomplish end goals. If your team cannot trust each other, they are doomed to fall short. Team building activities reinforce and allow trust to develop. When your team has a foundation of trust, each of them knows they can count on the others to do their part – or be there when they need it.

  • Patience

    Finally, patience through team building activities is a valuable skill. Things don’t always work the first time and having the patience to try again with a level head is pertinent to each and every work environment. Team building activities are challenging and make you think outside of the box. If you aren’t willing to be patient, you will never complete the task. This is the same in the workplace. With a little patience, great work can be accomplished on an everyday basis.

Team Building Events at Refreshing Mountain

At Refreshing Mountain Retreat and Adventure Center, we assist you in developing an excellent, productive team building event. Our activities are designed to help strengthen your team and provide a relaxing, fun environment to do so. We know the importance of a strong team and we are here to help. Our indoor and outdoor activities are all designed to be a blast all while working towards a common goal.

If you’re looking for a fun day out of the office to boost morale and have a great time doing it, visit our corporate team building page for more information.